Strong Arms for Kids


I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read through my website and email me with comments or updates on how they are doing.  I love hearing about all the exciting things, everyone is up to in their lives.  Please keep the comments and emails coming.  And I promise to continue updating my website, especially with new recipes that I try and with new things that I find that make me happy on this little island.  So please keep checking back here for updates and remember to share this site with your friends. 

Two new English teachers arrived last week to Ishigaki.  David is from Florida, but spent the last three years in New Zealand and Erin is from New Zealand.  I am looking forward to getting to know them better.  And of course, I am looking forward to going back to the states for a visit in about a week and a half. 

Thanks again to everyone who has donated so far, and for emailing me.  I love hearing from you all and promise to keep in touch.

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