Strong Arms for Kids


With just three weeks left to go, its time for me to sit back, relax, think about what I have accomplished and start getting super psyched for the BIG day!  The last two weekends were spent doing Sporty Suzy-sensei Spice Secret SOLO Triathlons.  I am proud to say I came in first place in both of them, but, unfortunately I was also last, as well.  No but, they both went really well and gave me a lot of good practice for the big day, as well as, some added confidence.

Just for fun, I decided to tally up my distances from the beginning of my training in June.  I just had to share because I seriously shocked myself.

So here goes...      Swim 25.7 miles     Bike  875 miles      Run 353 miles
TOTAL: 1,253.7 miles
And my island is only about 150 miles around!!!  I can honestly say, I know Ishigaki Island pretty well by now, much better than most of my friends with cars know this island.

I know I haven't actually done a triathlon yet, but I am totally loving it!! Of course, part of it being that I am in the best shape of my life and love the definition in my arms, and calves, especially.  But I also enjoy the physical and mental challenge of it all.  You have to excel at not only one sport and build up all the muscles necessary for that one sport, you have to do it times THREE! I think back to a few years ago when I used to run just three miles and be in pain the whole time with stomach cramps and other random cramps.  As well as, just a few short months ago when I would have to stop and rest after swimming just one length.  Now after lots of practice, watching video after video on youtube to improve my swimming technique and some advice from friends, I have taught myself to be a pretty good swimmer.  I still don't really like swimming BUT I do feel like a million yen ( I don't really want to feel like the dollar right now) after a long swim.

Well now its just a few short weeks away, and easy relaxing workouts and lots of sleep.  And, my biggest worry, getting my bicycle from my island to Izena Island.  I really hope it makes it in one piece.

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